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Rich & The Tigerbeats

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Rich & The Tigerbeats - one of Dayton’s most enigmatic of bands, and one of the original Big Beef Records acts.  Their pre-talent, post-punk and sarcastically (and rather politically incorrectly though potentially presciently) titled 1982 full length “Disneyland, Dachau and Other Amusement Parks” featured a wide range of genres. That said, it was thoroughly rooted in a kind of punk ethos in regards to the creativity it took to actually record it on basically no budget. 


Probably the most notable of their creations was “Pete (Old Pete),” a four in the barn hoedown number that received radio play on one of the earliest editions of ‘Around The Fringe’, the program hosted by Rev. Cool and later co-hosted by Big Beef’s Andy Valeri.  There’s also the 16 minute lo-fi psychedelic dirge opus ‘Das Boot (The Light Is Red)’, which was probably the result of the assortment of ingredients some of the band was digesting at the time.​

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Though Rich & The Tigerbeats’ overall run was rather short-lived, its influence was and remains incalculable (as in there is literally no way to calculate it).  They were, like the Sex Pistols, short lived but high impact. At least on and for those involved with it “)


And the fact that they still have the fan club that they seem to do is testament to…well…something.

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One of the only known photos of the band, here watching a special 3-D edition of ‘Creature From The Black Lagoon” on Shock Theatre hosted by Dayton, Ohio’s popular TV ‘horror’ movie host Dr. Creep.  Shock Theater was a big cultural influence on the development of the boys, and coincidentally Dr. Creep later became a creative collaborator with Big Beef, both on television (with his participation in live television productions with Andy & Pat’s Groovy Cosmic Love Hour), as well as musically, what with Big Beef’s The Lawn Jockeys producing an entire album of rocking groove entitled “The Amazing Sounds of Shock Theatre.”  The Lawn Jockeys also served as a kind of Shock Theatre house band for Dr. Creep as well, for both some of the live television specials Shock Theatre produced at the time, as well as some live events around the region.

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